Canopy Glide 1.2
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Canopy Glide 1.2

Simulator that teaches you how to fly a ram-air parachute and master your landings
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1.2.863 See all
Static Line Interactive, Inc.
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award
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25.8 MB

Canopy Glide is a simulator of a ram-air parachute that allows you to practice the final leg of a landing approach. You have control over the virtual parachute! With Canopy Glide, you can learn how to use the brakes, rear risers, and front risers to perfect your landings. You can prepare yourself for difficult landings before you even leave the ground. Knowing how to land on the target is essential for a successful skydive, and Canopy Glide can help you do that with greater accuracy.



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